
Friday, October 19, 2012

Pull Someone Up Today...


So I'm looking at my car broke down for a minute until part comes in and neighbor said to me, why are you smiling your car not working. I say, it will be soon, and do I have plans for her... I told him next year 2013, I'm going to be bigger, better and bolder than I am now and he was like Ms. Evelyn, are you that good...I said when you can go to sleep and wake up and over $300 or more deposited into your Paypal account, Yeah, I'm that good... he was like wow, can you help me... Within 20 minutes, we came up with his new business, how he's going to get his customers and his strategy to make it work, he's a happy camper.. I had to tell him, I usually charge for that advice... I love what I do, when I can see a sad face become so happy for the little things... People, sometimes you just have to do something for FREE to help someone and you never know how you changed their life... I can see in his face that I've done something...We have to pull each other up so all of us can be successful..... #TheBeast

Friday, October 5, 2012

TV and Radio OFF

I talk to a lot of people and I mean a lot of people... My phones ring all day, I get messages all day, chat all day and people stopping me in the street.. I don't mind being a busy bee, but what ticks me off the most is when people say, Wh...
y can't I be as successful as you? I tell them you can have it also... You have to turn off that TV and Radio... then they look at me like I'm crazy and ask me am I kidding... NO I'M NOT... I'm in my bedroom right now, with no Tv or Radio, nothing to distract my work... Ask me anything about basketball wives, Ncis, News or anything and I will give you this dumb look, because I don't know and I know it can't make me money... So people turn off the TV and watch your successes come alive...It's so bad even our animals are trained to watch Tv with us... come on people... #TheBeast