
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Move out my way

2013 will be more than better... it's going to be Incredible, Life Changing and Prosperous... We small business owners will rise to the top and take over... We will be like a COLT... you're either with us or not... If you want to grow then follow people who's growing... We look at the naysayers and say BRING IT... we are ONE... Gossip is our MOTIVATOR, not supporting us makes us STRONGER. So we STAND UP to you and say: MOVE OUT OUR WAY! We're going to the TOP and we're moving FAST. Back up or HOLD on, we taking the EXPRESS train to the TOP. If you dare come try to STOP ME... Beware I will rub off on you and you will become JUST LIKE ME.... #The BEAST #ImNotPlaying

No New Years Resolutions

Good Morning everyone... I'm so excited Christmas is over, now the rest of the year is Me time, so I'm going shopping for myself today and the rest of the week... Sit down and think about everything you accomplish this year... Do it makes sad or do it make you feel good about yourself... Don't be setting a new year resolution this year, just set weekly and monthly goals... I'm sitting here thinking about what I've accomplished and I'm so happy with myself... If you read my blue book you know it's time for my rewards and rewarding myself I do well... So think about it, did you do good this year and if not what are you going to do different. You can start now, you don't have to wait until January, who made up that rule anyway...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Lady Comfort Zone

Good Morning... Comfort Zone is no joke.. Sometimes we don't want to be bothered with that... Comfort zone should mind it's own business... I'm going to tell you I'm good at what I do, but sometimes that Lady Comfort Zone hits me. Sometime...s we need other's in our life to push us. People will say you have to get pass it and just do it.. Whatever! Easier said then done... So this is what you do... Find that one person who you look up to, or who you work with that understands you, or someone who gets on your nerve and push you (ex: husband).... have them already lined up so when you hit this comfort zone thingy you'll be ready.. For ex: I have an event coming in March, which I knew I had to do one day because everyone kept asking. My comfort zone said just say ok so everyone leaves you alone, but that special someone in my life that pushes me Pastry Divas just went ahead and book date and started telling other's that her mother is doing. Another example: I have a facebook sister who needed a little push, she knew what she wanted to do, but need that extra push so Dana Neal took my e-camp and that was all the push she needed... Who do you have in your corner ready to help you get pass Lady Comfort Zone... #Beastneedssomecoffee

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Postcards for Oprah

Are you equipped to send out postcard/business cards if an Organization ask you to. I was asked to send out 300 postcards the other day to an Organization for their goodie bag and I sent them.. Can you do this right away. Can you just get ...them out and mail them. I run into to many business owners who tells me I'm waiting for them to come in... If Oprah came to you today and said If you have 300 Business cards for my audience at this present moment you can be on my show for FREE to advertise your business, will you be ready... really, will you be ready... #TheBeasthelpingU

Get Your Ideas Working

We as small businesses have to learn how to grow and to grow fast, but most of our problems is we try to be like someone else, not like ourselves... Some people wants to grow fast and they will fall just as fast with lots of costly mistakes...
... Some people wants to grow slow and sometimes it's to slow... Be you, Do you... but get those ideas working and keep moving.. I was talking to a client of mines, who loves me so much and always buying from me... She said you know why I love what you do, I said why... She said because you're not fake... You know that I/as a small business owner can't afford a $400 program. You know that I/as a small business is just that small. So you keep it simple for all of us... Wow... I had to give her a big hug... Because that's my dream to help enough small businesses reach their dreams and to let them I'm here for them when other's reject them as I've been rejected from the norm.. We are the Majority!! #TheBeast

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Believing in Your Clients

Over the weekend I meet a wonderful couple who ran a business and watched me work. As I sat down they said, Wow you are awesome, you didn't wait for the customers to come over you went to them and brought them over. Sometimes we wait and ...
customers will walk right pass you. Then as I sat down they picked my brains and I gave them answers... Tiff said mom you giving them all the goodies... I didn't mind sharing... This company sells Sweet Potato Pies... They said how can you help us... I said I don't work with any clients unless I believe in them... so I have to taste your pie... lol.. well I now have a new client and the very next day, she called and ordered cake slices Do you work with people you believe in or do you just take the money... People if you don't believe in the product and just working it for the money, you will never make any real money... #TheBEAST

Thursday, December 6, 2012

No BMW for Me...

I'm like no other... I don't have to have those fancy shoes, that fancy car, those fancy clothes, that fancy house, oh maybe the fancy house...People we don't have to fit in with others... Be You... Be Unique... Be Different... Yes, I teach
 different, I act different and low and behold I am Different... Is it a shame not to be like everyone else... No Way... It's a blessing, because God made only ONE of me, and he made ONE of you... so what are you going to do.. Fitting in is like driving down the expressway with all the BMW's and you pull next to them with your Pink AUDI .. Who do you think people going to notice, I bet you it's not the Be different I dare you!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Two Postcards for Price of one...

Look what we got today, we have to order more... Yes, we got 2 for the price of one... Yes, this is one postcard... One side Pastry Divas and one side Divalyn Small Business Guru ... Yes, my company comes up with some good ideas, because we...
work for the Broke, Tired and Unique Micro Small Businesses.... we know how to help you grow without taking all your money... this is just one tip... Join our network today for many more to come at or you won't regret it..

Monday, November 26, 2012

Vision books is needed today..

I know Vision Boards is the next big thing, but for us who stays in the street most of the day and get in late what do we have to motivate us throughout the day... I decided I needed something portable, so I created the Vision Book... I love it... I can put everything that's on my board in here and more... so go ahead creat your Vision book today... I did... While you're at it, join my FREE network today for more exciting things like this... This is a different type of network... Join today... or visit my website and see what I can do for you today at

This Time you going to do what...

I'm sitting here in my bedroom relaxing and working getting ready for next week. I know so many of us is getting ready for next year and thinking about all our new goals, dreams and what you're going to do different. We already know the first month or two we are so excited, but after they we get back into the same routine... Make it different this time... Look at your business and say this time I...
'm going to make it work. This time next year, my business will pay all my bills without struggling. This time, i won't treat my business like a hobby. This time I will educate, motivate and demonstrate how to be a successful business owner... I have staff I have to report to, so I better finish typing up my plans for their work schedule next week... Back to work

Friday, November 23, 2012

Listen Please Listen

Why as business owners we don't listen to our customers... I was listening to my daughter explain to someone that she don't do sheet cakes, but the person kept asking her to do it... I listen to another business owner who said she don't tak...
e credit cards but the person wasn't listening to her and kept asking her to take them... I worked with a person and told her to the detail what I wanted, and she sent me something totally different. I made it clear to her if she did that project correctly, she will make so much more money from me. She didn't listen and did it her way, not my way, which cost her to lose sales over $300. People when you don't listen to your clients you lose the sale and also risk them talking bad about you... I won't recommend her to anyone... I recently had a meeting with a good friend and said to her, have her questions ready for me when we meet and she said I don't have no questions, I"m going to just listen to you... Listening to your customers/clients can take your business to the next level or damage you. Learn that your customer can be your next big project, so Listen more and talk Less... #TheBeast

Monday, November 5, 2012

Closed Door to Open Door

Can you remember the day you first started your business? What made you click and start it... I remember so clearly... I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew in my blood that I was suppose to be my own Boss and help people... Then o...
ne day I asked this big time professional Coach can I ask her one question... She said yes you can, so I ask her the question and she said deary, yes deary, I can't give that info away, you have to have lunch with me and I'll tell you... so I said ok, we can meet that's even better, until she said that will cost you $250 for an hour... my heart was crushed... I just needed an answer to one question... That was the day Divalyn Small Business Guru was created to help small businesses for cheap.... As Joel Osteen Ministries spoke about yesterday, You have to come to your closed doors before you can even get to your open door... God has opened some serious doors for me... I always thank that Coach for making me

Friday, October 19, 2012

Pull Someone Up Today...


So I'm looking at my car broke down for a minute until part comes in and neighbor said to me, why are you smiling your car not working. I say, it will be soon, and do I have plans for her... I told him next year 2013, I'm going to be bigger, better and bolder than I am now and he was like Ms. Evelyn, are you that good...I said when you can go to sleep and wake up and over $300 or more deposited into your Paypal account, Yeah, I'm that good... he was like wow, can you help me... Within 20 minutes, we came up with his new business, how he's going to get his customers and his strategy to make it work, he's a happy camper.. I had to tell him, I usually charge for that advice... I love what I do, when I can see a sad face become so happy for the little things... People, sometimes you just have to do something for FREE to help someone and you never know how you changed their life... I can see in his face that I've done something...We have to pull each other up so all of us can be successful..... #TheBeast

Friday, October 5, 2012

TV and Radio OFF

I talk to a lot of people and I mean a lot of people... My phones ring all day, I get messages all day, chat all day and people stopping me in the street.. I don't mind being a busy bee, but what ticks me off the most is when people say, Wh...
y can't I be as successful as you? I tell them you can have it also... You have to turn off that TV and Radio... then they look at me like I'm crazy and ask me am I kidding... NO I'M NOT... I'm in my bedroom right now, with no Tv or Radio, nothing to distract my work... Ask me anything about basketball wives, Ncis, News or anything and I will give you this dumb look, because I don't know and I know it can't make me money... So people turn off the TV and watch your successes come alive...It's so bad even our animals are trained to watch Tv with us... come on people... #TheBeast

Monday, September 24, 2012

Some Days just take a Picture

Some days you wake up and things just seems to being going wrong... Some days you just don't know how you're going to make it... Some days you want to curse everyone around you out.  Some days you just want to be left alone... I"ll tell you this, get your cell phone out and take a picture of what is getting on your nerve, wait 4 minutes and then look at that picture, I bet it will calm you down and you'll realize that some days are days you should not take as serious...  Look at this picture, I come home, go upstairs and then look at my hand, I want to scream, I take a picture of it, ask my grandkids who did it... They all look at me like I'm crazy and say we don't know... So I wait, look at the picture and just crack up... that's all I can do some #The BEAST..

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I'm a Busy Woman Delegating is my Friend

I get this all the time... People say Evelyn, why are you so successful running 5 businesses... it's really an easy answer... I hire my weaknesses... Yes, If it's something I'm not good at, and don't know how to do it, I hire someone else t...
o do it, I don't get all messed up trying... Heck NO... I find someone who can do it better than me, and hire them to do it... It's that simple... I don't need anything added to my resume, I don't like it, it's not going to be on there... Forget about the people who say, you have to do some things you don't want to do to get ahead... I say yeah right, you pass what you don't like to someone else, and get ahead faster... Making money is what I'm about, even if someone has to do it for me... I'm a busy woman, delegating is my friend #The Beast

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Joyful is where it's at..

Told my client this today: A negative person becomes a NAG all they talk about is NO money, No orders and then they become desperate talking to people and people can feel the desperation in their voice and they get NO Growth... try this: T...
hink More orders, More money and More quality customers which will start to happen, which will gain you More freedom... Your attitude will stop your growth all the time... You been around negative people before they make you feel sick to the stomach.. You been around positive people before they make you want to jump out of your seat...Jump for Joy and watch you be Blessed... Need I say MORE... #The Beast..

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hustling for the Elderly

Do you see the new trend lately... It's a sad trend... Go to McDonalds, go to Burger King and go to Walmart what trend do you see.... I see older people who backs hurt, their legs hurt standing up trying to work... They have no one to help ...
them... This is a sad trend and you don't want to be in it.... So get off you booty and get busy.....Stop complaining that there's no clients out there, that times is hard... If you don't want to see yourself working at Walmart when you get older, you better do something about it now... Start that business today...become a big time hustler... Yes, I'm talking to you... the one who's sitting home watching Bad Girls Club, the one's who's watching NCIS Los Angeles (you know you looking at LL Cool J) you should be watching Sweetie Pies and Undercover Millionaire and learn something... So, who's working on their business and deciding I'm going to hustle not matter what it takes, even if I have to work out of my trunk... Let's do this TODAY! #The Beast

Friday, September 7, 2012

Kids need money to...

Our kids are a mess because some parents are a mess... We need to teach them how to depend on themselves. We need to teach them how to make their own money.. We need to teach them that nothing comes easy. We need to teach them skills. We need to lead by example. So why is it every time someone wants to hire your child to work, you say... I want to spend family time with them... I need them home to clean up... I need them to bond with me... Are you serious... NO... You need to stop... Teach this younger generation to grow, so they can teach and watch the chain reaction. Greatness comes from Greatness and Mess comes from Mess... Teach our kids to earn their own money, which will help the crime rate decrease..... #TheBeast..

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fear and Automation don't mix

Fear and Automation, don't go hand in hand with each other... The other day I got an email from a big time speaker and it said. Hi__________ I want to thank you for purchasing my book and hope if you need anything feel free to let me know.....
. Enjoy and remember you're important to me... Did you see the big Blank there... yes, my name wasn't in it at all, it had a blank line.. I hate automation things... I fear the other week that if I get to much to handle how would I stay personal, well with me getting this email, I will stay personal and handle each and every customer... I'm worth more than a Blank... people Automation can do more harm than good, so check your computers before you hit submit buttons... I just know I feel like a ___________ blank right

Friday, August 24, 2012

Representing 1000%

Good Afternoon everyone, I missed you guys... I'm so behind and have so many emails and messages to respond... give me until the end of night I will finish.... Until then, I want to know how many people have something on your car that repre...
sents you and your business. For example: I have a friend on my block who sells Soy candles, she's been selling for 10 years and not one person on our block knows she sells them. She said I don't want everyone in my business. I said then you won't have a business... Ten years later, she comes to me and said how are you so successful and you haven't done your business this long... I looked at her, looked at my car and said I represent my business everywhere, anywhere and to everyone.... so my car, my clothes, my supplies, my house and my everything... represents me and my business, that's why I'm so successful. So are you really representing your business the right way.... ?????? Look at my license plate in front of my car... Representing 1000%... The Beast..

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fear is Nothing

Let's talk about FEAR... I was scared to death when a client called me to do my first BEAST CAMP... I didn't think I was ready, but I scheduled it and did it anyway... You see I was talking to 3 business owners and 1 College grad with a Mas...
ters Degree... So, yes I was scared...(They were so impressed and referred me to more clients). Then my next fear came when I wrote my first book and I had it edited and also knew more mistakes was there. I decided to publish it anyway and say I'm only human (people hate it when you say that). Then I purchased a book from a Teacher who had her Masters Degree and read her awesome book that had over 20 spelling errors, this was my confirmation from God that FEAR is nothing, but God is everything... People don't let FEAR stop you from moving forward, when you're laying on that dying bed what are you going to say? I know when it's my time to be with my creator, I"m going to say " Take me Lord I"ve used this body all up, it's so ragedy"... I"m not playing... I'm working this body God has blessed me with... As someone said: NO RISK = NO REWARD.... with that being said... New BEAST CAMPS are coming soon to a Perkins Restuarant near you... The Beast...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Customer Service Wins Again

Do you have such good customer service that people can scream and shout your name... I went to Best Buy today and the manager didn't want to value my $50 gift certificate that I earned for my phone.. Then he turned to 3 other employees and ...
they all said I couldn't get it.. Then he went to his manager and he said I couldn't get it.... I said I'm a Preffered Customer and I want you to honor my $50 gift certificate... He said sorry... I said, the lady who helped me yesterday knows me very well and she knows how much I spend.. He said she's not here... I said call her... He called her and said a lady was here yesterday who buys a lot (she said yes EVelyn Jackson, he didn't have to tell her my name). She said you don't know Evelyn, she spends a lot here, everyone knows her... Then he said I never meet her... she said I don't care, give her the $50. Well then another employee came and said hi Evelyn and I waived, then another employee said Hey Eve, what's going on... I said will you tell this man to give me my $50... Well I tell you this, he will always remember me... and yes I got my $50 honored. Customer service shouldn't be this hard people. Know your customers, they pay your salary... The Beast...

Working the No Business card

Ok, I get a client who has no money to even buy business cards and she said can I help her... She said other people told her once she gets money to buy business cards to call them back. The Beast Divalyn Small Business Guru said... Go out...
and buy some colorful index cards... 3 X 5 then cut them in half. Then find a teenager with nice handwriting and Let them put your Business name, your name, phone number and website or email on it... add get 10% off with this card... Yes... I said it... Then pass them out and tell people you're waiting for you new business cards to come in, so these are only temporary.. They don't have to know you're waiting for about another 6 months for extra money to even start... Come on we all been there with no money to do anything with our business... Get creative guys.... Is this unprofessional, NO WAY, this is what you call being CREATIVE and BROKE at the same time.... lol... and go ahead online and get my book for more creative ideas to help you grow...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Competition is always it baby

I tell people there is enough people out there to go around for all of us... People stop worrying about other people who have a similiar business like yours... When they say competition is good, it is... I have plenty of friends who's marke...ters like me and it don't scare me not one bit... When you do you and be unique no one and I mean no one can copy and do it the way you do. I do things different and some marketers look at me like I"m crazy. They say you can't do that, you have to do to it this way it's the way most marketers do it... I say I'm not most marketers, then smile and keep it moving... Do this means they are better than me or I'm better than them... NO WAY... This means I love my business so much, that I'm willing to do what others don't and still make money from it... Be different, Be you and stop worrying about the competition... So lift up your head and the next time someone might step on your toe say, that's ok I know I"m unique and do things differently and will get the different client that you don't get... lol.. The Beast

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Scared to do nothing is the problem

Have you ever been so scared to try something out or something new and never do it... Do you get nervous, start sweating and your heart start palpitating.. Then you say forget it, this is just to much to bare.... Let me tell you this when do nothing, nothing happens.... When you say nothing, nothing happens and when you want to grow from doing nothing, nothing happens... People get out there and JUST DO IT!!! DO IT NOW! Yes, you heard me.... You said you don't know where to start, then I'll say it; Put one foot in front of the other, that's how you start.... So Push through those feelings, Stomp on those demons and Plan your accomplishments... You can do it, I believe in you. The Beast....

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Teaching or Leaching


Today was an awesome day... I was tired the last few days and had to take some time away from home to get rested... Everyone knows there's no rest in my house to many so I left and got work done.... Today more books were or...dered and sent out... I didn't have to do a thing. My assistant did everything.. When we teach others and stop being scared to show others what we do, this is when you grow... People if you die today or tomorrow will your business die with you, or will it still grown because you shared the vision with someone else... If you want to leave this business for your kids, you better TEACH someone how to do it... Leaders are Teachers...
The Beast...  

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Office Space4U...

Sometimes you have to make your office yours, even if it's in a closet, spare bedroom or dining room table, decorate it up. Make it something you love to be around and watch how productive you will get. Ever noticed when your office is dark and not you, you get no work done..You'll say something like, I'll try again tomorrow. Think about it and remodel that office today...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Blame Not

We need to stop blaming others because we don't see the bigger picture. For example, yesterday I had a big event to go to and washed my hair and my dryer wouldn't work. I could have blamed myself for not testing it and got all worked up...... No, this is not how I work... I turned on my desktop fan on full force and put my big head in front of it to dry it... Yes I did... I was so happy doing it also because it was drying half of my head.. See it could have been worse, my fan could have blew up..I had 400+ people eatting our cupcakes and not one of them knew my head was half wet and didn't care... Did I get upset no... I went with a half dried head and smiled as everyone congratulated us on our cupcakes...You determine your success and your attitude, so people stop blaming others and realize it could be worse... The Beast...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Interview by Female Entreprenuer Assoc

Look at this interview that was done on my company...

"I love it because I’m doing what I love and I control the hours”
May 29, 2012
This story is about…Female Entrepreneur: Evelyn Jackson
Company: Divalyn Small Business Guru & Pastry Divas
Location: USA
She started her business because… “I was involved in a Tractor trailer accident that left me bedridden for 2 years, which also led to losing my job of 15 years in the corporate world.”
Age range: 40s

Tell us about your business…

I have 4 businesses, which I love so much… The two main ones is my marketing company (Divalyn Small Business Guru) which helps the Tired, Broke and Unique Micro-small business owners. I believe the reason so many businesses fail is because they need help, but the help cost to much. So my company comes in and show them the way without draining their pockets. My second company is Pastry Divas, which is taking over the East Coast… We done over four thousand cupcake donations to various organizations like, Career Wardrobe, Uniquely U Summit and other organzations.

What is a day in the life of you like?

I usually don’t start work until 10am, I don’t like to run, get up tired and start so I have a nice cup of coffee and then I hit the computers. My marketing company is mostly internet based. I also meet clients at my office which I enjoy so much because it’s all pink. Then I’m picking up supplies for the upcoming crazy weekend with our cakes. I have 3 grandkids so I have to get back in time to put them up for school. Also my oldest grandchild is involved with Girl Scouts… my days are pretty hectic sometimes, but I love it because I’m doing what I love and I control the hours.

What have been your biggest challenges so far with running your business?

Time management of my four businesses was my hardest challenge, until I came up with the “Quicke Zone”, which I explain in my book. My tractor trailer accident kept me in pain, so much that some days I couldn’t get out of bed, so I learned how to use the phone to my advantage. Sometimes people didn’t care if I was in pain, so this is when my twenty six year old daughter had to be my legs… I think about how lucky I am for being here after having eight surgeries and doctors telling me I will always walk with a cane and will always be in pain. I don’t walk with a cane anymore, but one of my legs is shorter than the other which causes me a lot pain, but being my own boss has brought me so much joy.

How did you overcome these challenges?

My house was up for foreclosure, I lost my job of 15 years, I lost my car and my marriage of 18 years and I had one child who depended on me. So my back was against the wall and I lost everything… So I had no choice but to move forward. I prayed a lot and my only focus was to live for my daughter and make her life better than mine. Today me and my daughter own Pastry Divas together. I also wrote two books to help small business owners, from which came great success. I self-published both my books and sold over seven hundred books using social media within a few months without one book signing.

What have you found to be the most effective way to get new clients?

I love Social Media, more than eighty perfect of my customers come from Facebook and Twitter. I formed my company D.S.B.G. (Divalyn Small Business Guru) all from Social Media… I also believe in giving out your business cards everywhere you go… I believe if you have skin, you will get one of my postcards.

What advice would you give to other business owners?

To never ever quit… When times are hard think about where you came from and how far you got. Sometimes you need that coach that will push you forward, find that person. Sometimes if you can’t do it for yourself, then your kids, spouse or whoever becomes your motivator. Whatever you do remember success doesn’t always come overnight, but it will come if you stay focused. I believe you should push, pull or do whatever you need to move ahead.

How do you keep motivated through difficult times?

I find my personal motivator, sometimes it’s a book author, a TV show or just looking at the smiles on my three grandkids face. I say to myself I have to work hard now, so they can reap the rewards if I don’t… I always think about how I hated working the corporate world for fifteen years and hated every year and how I don’t want to go back. Not working in the Corporate world and me being my own boss is my biggest motivator ever. I believe being my own boss is the best thing because I can shut it down whenever I want and smile while doing it.

What’s your favourite quote?

Do unto others as you want them to do to you.

Who inspires you?

My three grandkids… To see them smiling having fun and no worries at all, keeps me motivated to make my businesses work. Happiness can not be brought, all the money in the world can only give you choices, but seeing your grandkids smiling and no worries about food or anything is PRICELESS…

Do you have a business philosophy?

If the person has SKIN, then they need to know about your services… Don’t let anyone walk pass you without giving them a card, postcard or anything, they might be or know your next huge business partner.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stressing For what, business is good

Everytime I turn around someone is stressing, cursing or just plain old mad... People life is to short for this, we have to enjoy the moment...  I got up this morning in so much pain and wanted to lay in bed all day, but I knew if I wanted to be successful I must Pull, Push and Stretch to get ahead.  I got up and everything fell into place... I now have two books that's on Amazon as ebooks which I don't know what took me so long... My company is now a LLC company, which I don't know what took me so long and I finally got up and walked around the Wawa parking lot because I kept making excuses that I was to scared to walk and I don't know what took me so long... Time is precious and today was a great day for me... I learned that we all have the same time, and how you use it is up to you... So get up and stretch yourself to the limit and by the end of the day, you will be happy with the results..  While I'm speaking on time some things you do today might not show results, but it will show in the future.  I got a wonderful phone call from a young lady who said she had my catalog for a year, and now she's ready to join my team.  Imagine someone holding your catalog for a year because it wasn't her time then, but it's her time now...  Time is so important so use it wisely and it will come back to you with a big fat smile... Until next time... enjoy yourself and get up and do something....

The Beast

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Toot Toot... Tooting my horn

When was the last time you got up and toot your own horn without feeling bad about your achievements. How do you think you're going to move forward if you don't appreciate what you have and what you're going to get. People just because you ...feel good about yourself doesn't mean you're a bad person... Wake up... I know so many successful people who's scared to say what they done because people will think they're selfish/stuck up... Listen to this, People don't know you... they don't know you get up and sweep the whole block, they don't know that you feed people in your neighborhood, they don't know that you walk/work for a cause.. People don't know you, but you can toot your own horn once in a who's going to toot....toot toot...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Busy and loving it..

Just got back in from a very busy morning... I handed out 30 postcards in one store... I was like scared because I had no more in my purse....I hate to run out... I so enjoy approaching people and they be like oh my goodness you guys bake t...hese... it's such in awesome feeling... Yes, I also gave out 2 of my clients cards also... If you're my client, your stuff is being given out all the time...My goal is to try to run out.... yes, try to run out of I so love what I do... How often do you do your business? Do you do it all day or everywhere you go? Do you let people walk pass you? My motto is IF YOU HAVE SKIN, then you need us.... lol..

Monday, May 7, 2012


The number one thing that will help you grow bigger and better is to support your other small businesses... I was at the mall today and this lady stopped us to try on some makeup... I walked pass and daughter stopped, then I went back while... daughter Tiff tried on lip gloss... She said you want to try some... I was like no thanks... Tiff said to the lady, my mom is an Avon Leadership Rep with Avon products for over 14 years she can't do it, she can buy her company lip gloss for $3.00... To make a long story short.... I brought a $15 Flori Roberts lip gloss (very small) that I won't be wearing because it's not my company, but I wanted to support the business... So who are you supporting today even if you don't need the service?... Do unto others as you want them to do to you....The Beast...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Don't listen to people...

To all my wonderful business owners.  Don't listen to people who tell you this is not the way you do it because it's always been done this way.  Don't listen to the people who say, the way you're marketing will not work, this is how you do it... Don't listen to people who say you're different, no one will buy from you.  Don't listen to the person who say, you're weird no one will want that kind of product or service. Don't listen to people who don't see you as a prospering business owner.   God planted a special seed in you, and you have no choice but to let it grow.  So stop listening to people who just don't want nothing in life but to keep you down because their not doing what they suppose to... Listen to your heart, your gut feeling and your spiritual self...  God Bless... The Beast...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Beinning of my blog... yipee...

Wow, I'm so excited about this blog. Everyone asked me to do one and I didn't have time. Today is the day God told me to do it..

So stay tune for some fun and exciting things to come, while I learn how to

Feel free to leave me a comment or question on how I can improve this Blog, help you or just to say HI... let's do this together...